Island House Taqueria occupies the spot of having the best tacos in Sarasota because of the genuine ingredients and authentic processes they use. All their dishes are based on homemade masa, which is at the core of traditional tacos as well as modern presentations. Nixtamalization, the ancient pre-Hispanic process of soaking and cooking dried corn in an alkaline solution to make it more nutritious and flavorful, is a must. Island House imports heirloom blue corn varieties from Mexico and uses a stone grinder to make a masa dough renowned for its special taste. While the tacos are the stars, the proteins receive equal thought and care. The al pastor meat wraps slowly cook on a traditional trompo rotisserie, brushed with seasonings. Other specialties include tempura-battered fish and butter-poached lobster. A great selection of Mexican beers and craft brews rounds out the experience. The emphasis on authentic preparation and creative yet accessible fillings, along with fresh, high-quality ingredients and careful techniques, results in tacos that excite the palate and bring the vibrant flavors of Mexico to Sarasota.